

Book Summary An entrancing new novel by the author of the prizewinning Grief Is the Thing with Feathers. There’s a village an hour from London. It’s no different from many others today: one pub, one church, redbrick cottages, some public housing, and a few larger houses dotted about. Voices rise up, as they might anywhere, speaking […]

The Female Persuasion

Book Summary An electric, multilayered novel about ambition, power, friendship, and mentorship, and the romantic ideals we all follow deep into adulthood, not just about who we want to be with, but who we want to be To be admired by someone we admire – we all yearn for this: the private, electrifying pleasure of being […]

Fake Like Me

Book Summary At once a twisted psychological portrait of a woman crumbling under unimaginable pressure and a razor-sharp satire of the contemporary art scene, Fake Like Me is a dark, glamorous, and addictive story of good intentions gone awry, from the critically acclaimed author of I’ll Eat When I’m Dead.

Microsoft’s Encarta 2007

While Microsoft Encarta Premium 2006 marked Microsoft’s commitment to the  Web – Microsoft Encarta Premium 2007 marks its commitments to its own technology. The new Encarta relies on Microsoft’s powerful, flexible, scalable, and adaptable .Net Framework 2.0. There is a price to pay, of  course: the time it takes to install the product is much […]